Refund Policy

Customer Care

We have Money Back Guarantee Policy if we are unable to deliver products or services as committed to you.

You can easily write to us your grievance at [email protected]. Immediately our refund department will get into the matter and if it finds non-catering of services on the part of ATOZ CERTIFICATION India we'll gladly refund your payment within 7-10 working days of your refund request.


1. No refund shall be issued if ATOZ CERTIFICATION processed the registration/application as per the government guidelines and registration is rejected or pending on part of a government department or officials.

2. We shall deduct the administrative/processing charges not less than Rs.300 ( Three hundred rupees only) if we are service unable to process the application due to non-submission of required documents as per government guideline or any kind of non-cooperation from the applicant or any other circumstances which restricting us to process the application.

2. If any government fee, duty, challan, or any other sum paid in the course of processing your registration application. We are not liable to refund such government fees paid in the course of delivering the service. (Don't worry no government fee shall be deducted until the Government challan or any other payment proof provided to you.)

3. No refund shall be issued if you have already availed of any complimentary service or discount offer which was attached to the paid service for which you are seeking a refund. Such as one-day ad banner publication, software subscription, etc.

4. No refund shall be possible at any stage with respect to any subscription-based service such as GST return packages, Company annual compliance packages if the same service is partially processed or delivered.

5. Under any circumstances, the amount of refund cannot exceed the amount paid by the customer.

Refund Policy

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